last saturday my dad came over to help us clear out our front flower bed. it was pretty nasty...full of weeds and overgrown plants. i forgot to take a before picture, so here is the best i had.

this is from when we first looked at the house. the flower bed on the left was way worse than that the other day. you couldn't even see the front of the house, practically. lots of weeds!
and here is the finished product...
look at all that crap! was a pain. but even parker managed to "help."
we now have 3 rose bushes left. they are all trimmed down pretty far right now. but now, what to do with all that area? i was looking through my new favorite blog yesterday, i have an idea :)

how adorable?! it's her front porch. and she lives in california, so it fits right in and looks so cute. but we could totally make it work for us, right? what do you think?
anyways, after our day of hard work (and a wonderful morning at the coppell farmers market), we enjoyed the live music at work. we were having an event at all the stores: bugs, buckets, and blues. and it was nice to actually go to work and not have to work.
i had a way-to-strong chocolate martini (geez aaron) and grilled tuna with crabmeat butter. delicious!
jesse had his fill of 9 pounds of crawfish for the season.
and parker was intent on the band the whole time.
what a great day! :)
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